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Universitas Negeri Malang, Indonesia
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Jurnal Inovasi dan Teknologi Pembelajaran (JINOTEP) Kajian dan Riset Dalam Teknologi Pembelajaran
ISSN : 24068780     EISSN : 26547953     DOI : 10.17977.um031
JINOTEP (Jurnal Inovasi dan Teknologi Pembelajaran): Kajian dan Riset Dalam Teknologi Pembelajaran is a journal in the field of educational technology that contains literature review, action research, case study research, and empirical findings in scientific disciplines of educational technology.
Articles 3 Documents
Search results for , issue "Vol 10, No 3 (2023)" : 3 Documents clear
Students’ collaboration and communication skills with problem-based learning model Cynthia Nora Dwi Putri; Retna Ngesti Sedyati; Mukhamad Zulianto
Jurnal Inovasi dan Teknologi Pembelajaran Vol 10, No 3 (2023)
Publisher : Universitas Negeri Malang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.17977/um031v10i32023p225


Abstrak: Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui tingkat keterampilan kolaborasi dan komunikasi peserta didik dengan model Problem Based Learning (PBL). Subjek penelitian ini adalah 77 peserta didik yang dipilih dengan teknik purposive sampling. Penelitian ini menggunakan jenis penelitian deskriptif kuantitatif. Pengukuran data menggunakan lembar observasi yang dianalisis dengan persentase. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian keterampilan kolaborasi dan komunikasi dengan model Problem Based Learning (PBL) menunjukkan bahwa secara keseluruhan peserta didik kelas XI IPS SMAN di Banyuwangi sudah mencerminkan keterampilan kolaborasi dan komunikasi. Persentase keterampilan kolaborasi peserta didik kelas XI IPS SMAN di Banyuwangi sebesar 60,5 persen yang termasuk dalam kategori “cukup”. Selanjutnya persentase keterampilan komunikasi peserta didik kelas XI IPS SMAN di Banyuwangi sebesar 53,2 persen yang termasuk dalam kategori “cukup”. Hasil dari keterampilan kolaborasi dan komunikasi peserta didik ini menyatakan bahwa setiap peserta didik telah menunjukkan sikap dari keterampilan-keterampilan tersebut.Abstract: This study aims to determine the level of collaboration and communication skills of students with problem-based learning models. The sample of this research was 77 students which were selected by purposive sampling technique. This research uses a type of quantitative descriptive research. Measurement of data using observation sheets were analyzed by calculating the average value of the percentage. Based on the results of research on collaboration and communication skills with the Problem Based Learning (PBL) learning model, it shows that overall the students of class XI Social Sciences at Senior High School in Banyuwangi already reflect collaboration and communication skills. The percentage of collaboration skills of class XI Social students at Senior High School in Banyuwangi is 60.5 percent, which is in the "enough" category. Furthermore, the percentage of communication skills of class XI Social students at Senior High School in Banyuwangi is 53.2 percent, which is in the "enough" category. The results of these students' collaboration and communication skills state that each student has shown an attitude of these skills.
The SAMR model for the development of learning device innovations in the subject of applying electronic circuits Rykha Avadian Wahyudi; Ibut Priono Leksono; Ujang Rohman
Jurnal Inovasi dan Teknologi Pembelajaran Vol 10, No 3 (2023)
Publisher : Universitas Negeri Malang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.17977/um031v10i32023p234


Abstrak: Pengembangan dan penelitian ini menghasilkan perangkatapembelajaran dengan model SAMR (substitution, augmentation, modification, redefinition) untuk mengintegasikanateknologi agar pembelajaranalebih inovatif danakreatif serta meningkatkan pemahaman siswa. Prosedur pengembangan perangkat pembelajaran menggunakan metode pengembangan research and development (R&D) dan pendekatan model SAMR. Teknik pengumpulanadata dilakukan dengan observasiadan angket. Tahap pengujianakelayakan dilakukanaoleh ahli media, ahli desain, ahli materi, temanasejawat dan siswa. Hasil penilaian kelayakan ahli desain diperoleh prosentase 95,5 (valid). Ahli materiadiperoleh prosentase 93,8 (valid). Ahli media diperoleh prosentase 83,8 (valid). Uji kepraktisan oleh teman sejawat diperoleh prosentase 91,7 (baik). Hasil respon terhadap produk di kelompok kecil diperoleh prosentase 98,9 (baik)  dan uji coba kelompok besar diperoleh prosentasea97,5 (baik). Hasil data dan analisis penelitian, disimpulkan bahwa pengembangan perangkat pembelajaran penerapan rangkaian elektronika dengan model SAMR kelas XI memudahkan siswa dan guru berkolaborasi mencapai tujuan pembelajaran dan mengembangkan kreatifitas dan inovasi siswa dengan mengintegrasikan teknologi serta dapat diterapkan dalam pembelajaran lainnya.Abstract: By incorporating technology, this Research and Development creates learning aids that use the SAMR (substitution, augmentation, modification, redefinition) model to make learning more original and creative while improving student's knowledge. The SAMR model approach and the Research and Development (R&D) method were used in the process of creating learning tools. Questionnaires and observation were used as data-collecting tools. Media specialists, design experts, material experts, coworkers, and students participated in the feasibility testing stage. A percentage of 95.5 (valid) was attained in the design expert feasibility evaluation results. Experts in material score 93.8 (valid). A valid percentage of 83.8 was given by media professionals. Colleagues' practicality test scored 91.7 out of 100, which is good. The results of the response to the product in the small group obtained a percentage of 98.9 (good), and in large group trials, it was 97.5 (good). The results of the research data and analysis concluded that the development of learning tools applying electronic circuits using the class XI SAMR model makes it easier for students and teachers to collaborate in achieving learning goals and develops student creativity and innovation by integrating technology and can be applied in other learning.
Development of an Android-based virtual laboratory as a database learning media for vocational school Riza Umami; Ibut Priono Leksono; Ujang Rohman
Jurnal Inovasi dan Teknologi Pembelajaran Vol 10, No 3 (2023)
Publisher : Universitas Negeri Malang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.17977/um031v10i32023p212


Abstract: Tujuan pengembangan dan penelitian ini adalah menghasilkan produk laboratorium virtual berbasis android sebagai media pembelajaran basis data kelas XI SMK dilengkapi buku petunjuk penggunaan “Vlab base” dan meningkatkan pemahaman serta hasil belajar siswa pada topik pengelolaan tabel pada basis data menggunakan Bahasa SQL. Prosedur pengembangannyamenggunakan  metode Research and Development (R&D) dan pendekatan pengembangan aplikasi model waterfall. Hasil validasi dari ahli media mencapai prosentase 92 (sangat layak), ahli desain 93 (sangat layak), dan ahli materi 94 (sangat layak). Uji kepraktisan mencapai prosentase 95 (sangat layak), kelompok kecil 90,67 (sangat layak), dan uji coba kelompok besar 93 (sangat layak) yang mempermudah siswa belajar dan praktikum mandiri memahami pengelolaan database berkategori sangat layak dan dapat digunakan guru dalam pembelajaran. Hasil pre dan post test siswa meningkatkan nilai hasil belajar siswa sebesar 100% berdasarkan kriteria efektivitas ketika digunakan dalam pembelajaran. Abstract: The goal of this research and development is to create an Android-based virtual laboratory product as a database learning medium for class XI Vocational School equipped with a manual for using "Vlab base" and to improve understanding and results of student learning in the topic of managing tables in databases using SQL language. The development procedure employed the research and development (R&D) method to create Android-based learning materials and the waterfall model application development approach. The validation results are 92% (very feasible) from the media experts, 93% (very decent) from the design experts, and 94% (very decent) from the material experts. The practicality test reaches 95% (very feasible), the small group reaches 90.67% (very feasible), and the large group trial obtains 93% (very feasible), making individual practice and learning simpler for pupils to understand database management that is categorized as very feasible and can be used by teachers in learning. Based on the criteria of effectiveness for learning, the results of the students' pre-test and post-test showed a 100% improvement in the value of student learning outcomes.

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